Zodiac Wiki

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Exit Module: Operator Tutorial

Setup a Gnosis

If you've already set up a Gnosis Safe you'd like to use for this tutorial, skip to the next step below.

If not, check out the Gnosis Safe Help Center. The Create a Safe tutorial will walk you through the full process of creating a new Gnosis Safe account in just 60 seconds.

Note that for the purposes of this tutorial, we'll be using a Gnosis Safe deployed on the Rinkeby testnetwork. You can create a Gnosis Safe on Rinkeby at http://rinkeby.gnosis-safe.io.

Navigate to the Zodiac

On your Gnosis Safe's left menu, click the `APPS` option. Here you'll find apps available through Gnosis Safe. Scroll to the end of this list, and you'll find the Zodiac App.


Once entering the Zodiac App, you'll see the current Zodiac compliant collection of tools that have a Zodiac App interface.
